Deaths’ Door at IMDB

See the production information for the film/TV series, Death’s Door on IMDB.

REAL PEOPLE BOOK REVIEW: (Review from Amazon. Thank you!)

5.0 out of 5 stars A candid and thorough description of end of life care and what is necessary to help patients transition into this phase. February 7, 2018 Format:…Read More


End of life is real, unavoidable and a very serious matter. Unfortunately, our society is not ready for it. Some of the neglect is actually due to feelings of immortality which stem…Read More

Actors, cameras take over Heywood Hospital space for a TV pilot on one doctor’s cause: caring for patients in their final days

GARDNER — If you visited a corner of Heywood Hospital’s third floor at some point in the last two weeks, there’s a good chance that the people you saw walking…Read More

Chelmsford Doctor’s Story Being Filmed in Gardner

“At Death’s Door: End of Life Stories from the Bedside,” was written by Dr. Sebastian Sepulveda of Chelmsford. By Nate Homan, Patch Staff “Death’s Door,” a T.V. show based on…Read More